Election Season

"This morning was awful.  They started at 4:30.  4:30!  What the hell is the point of this?  They drone on with this propaganda and it ruins traffic and it goes all day long.  I need sleep.  I need to get out of here." 

Such is the common sentiment of many an expat experiencing a Cambodian Election.  Long boulevards are taken over by longer motorcades with speakers blaring music and truck-mounted video systems playing propaganda films. The exuberant youth in tow are accompanied by myriad flags and hats and t-shirts and smiles proving just how much they love their party.  There are several parties but only one has a chance at winning.  The biggest offender is the Cambodian People's Party which has the largest processions and the deepest coffers.  They are led by The Great Lord Protector Hun Sen who came to power as a Battalion Commander in the Khmer Rouge by overseeing the torture and murder of untold thousands of  people.  His shining paper face like the Naga itself writhes through the streets while youth who would otherwise be sleeping or in school proclaim their leader's glory... at 4:30am.

The election is a fait accompli but the future of the country is not.  Bullying and unfair elections are a result of poor education and no.  Hun Sen has been continuously accused of summary arrest and execution over the 27 years he's been in power but is in a historical context and silly, small man with no vision save for the stay of his borrowed crown and the padding of his bank account.
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Phnom Penh – July 2013
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