Mythic History
History is the myth we hold closest to our hearts. We regard it as fact though nothing is usually further from the truth. The King-Father's passing is a wonderful example of this. He is seen not a man and not as a God. King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, so far as I can tell, is seen as a powerful, mythic hero. He is a George Washington, a Charles De Gaulle and an Atatürk. He's what Cambodians see as the light in a very dark recent past. In America and the West writ large there is a fascination with tearing down the rich and powerful because we ourselves want riches and power. But in other places like Cambodia, it makes more sense to build up a human into a hero because after decades of war, genocide and bloodshed, Cambodia doesn't need riches and power but needs someone to believe it.
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